I am on the net every night after 10.30. At the moment, the reason for this is that I am trying the whole internet dating thing..minus the dates. Oh, I have been on one, but it was not what I consider a success. I am actually about to give up on the whole thing after my one failure of a date, but I am not sure what else a single mum with an 8 month old is supposed to do if she wants to meet 'a man'.
That is the first question I should address: do I really want to meet a man? I am fiercely independent and very set in my ways. I already share my life with my wonderful baby..but one day that little baby will be a big girl who doesnt need mummy so much. Then what do I do?
Sure, there is work, friends (and all their partners),dvd nights with myself and a nice crisp white..blah blah...but what about 'love'? Dont I get enough without needing a man? That is my big question.
I share a house with men - just buddies - and it seems to be a lot of hard work. There are also animals about too..a cat with neverending gastric, and a big hairy dog (actually the couch is generally hairier than the dog). I do love these animals, and the guys are nice too, but I feel like a bit of a Mother. Problem is I spend so much time 'taking care' of everything that I worry my baby is going to end up an emotionally unstable adult because she never got quite enough attention. So, I spend half my time 'taking care' and the other half feeling guilty and trying to make up for it.
No wonder I am going grey, and I am NOT supposed to because NO-ONE in my family went grey before 50. The dye-jobby is always an option, but baby ALWAYS wakes up just when dye-jobby needs to come out which means it gets left on way too long, and half my hair comes out with it. Maybe that will get rid of the greys.
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