Thursday, June 22, 2006

organised Chaos

Between the hours of 3.30pm and 8.30pm, I do not stop. I have 2 things going on at the one time, and at least another 2 things in my head waiting to be put into action. And these are only immediate things - not all those itty bitty annoying things I was supposed to have done a week ago.
That's ok I guess. I have always been well organised, and this is just a different kind of challenge: organising with constant interruptions and a certain little person unorganising everything straight after me.
I might look into going to Laos. I am not sure if I could live there, but I hear it's so relaxed, and that appeals to me, now more than ever. Maybe when I get back to that region I will at least visit for a month or so - just to unwind.
Actually, thinking about it, I am less game to live overseas in a country that I am unfamiliar with now. Now that there is a child involved anyway. A country with similar culture etc to mine would be no problem, but the unknown seems a little overwhelming with a child.
Therein lies the problem. I want to experience different cultures, otherwise what would be the point?


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