Saturday, June 24, 2006

Filling it up

Man, I am on a roll with these blogs at the moment. It must be because I am on holidays from uni. However, there is no such thing as a holiday with a baby. So really, I just have less work to do at the moment.

Some people may think that I sound horrible referring to my baby as 'work'. I couldnt give a rat's bottom really. I love my baby to bits, but anyone who says that a baby isnt hard work has rocks in their head - either that or a nanny - or some really good secrets that I want to know about!

So, with this extra time I have I plan on making myself a happy person. I am going to work out what it is that make happy people happy. Is it the simple things in life, or money, or a job, or a nice house, or a dog..or what?? I really want to know.

Once I have this information, I will probably decide that whatever it is wont work for me anyway, then start back at square one. You see, I have this big problem in that my glass is always half empty. Well, now I do anyway, and I am sure at various points in my life that has been my general way.

But now it's time to change. I want a half full glass, and I want to be happy with the here and now, rather than my past that seems surreal and detached from me, or my future that feels like it's full of impossible dreams.

Cheers to my quest to get my glass half full.


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