There will come a day where I can act relatively normal again. I will be able to rise when I choose to. Actually, if that's all that happened on my 'perfect day', I would be a happy camper.
I wouldn't have to start timing, timing, timing the minute I opened my eyes.
As it is, I am still half asleep and nay too impressed with even being awake, when I have to get the timing right on every little bitty thing.
First, it's feed little Miss. But while she is drinking her bottle I must feed the cat which is hanging around, and make sure the cat has finished in enough time for the dog to eat the leftovers. If none of this is complete before the bottle is done, Little Miss is down on the floor trying to eat the cat, dog
and the leftovers.
This may not seem to hard to the naked eye, but for someone who has always taken an hour to mutter a word..let alone move at any normal pace in the mornings, it is quite a task.
The next task, which must take place fairly pronto is the cleaning of the loungeroom floor. It is usually covered in animal hair by morning, and it requires a sweep sometime between feeding the baby, the cat and the dog. Otherwise the baby ends up looking like a puppy instead.
Yes, the dog should be outside. But there is really no outside. And she thinks she is 'people', so to put her outside would be very hard for me who is a sap when it comes to animals.
Just reading this is making me tired. And that's only the first 20 minutes of my day. I don't think I even have the energy to write about how the rest of the day is timed.
But just one more thing that would definitely be in my perfect day: the ability to just have a know, just have one. No timing. No waiting until baby is asleep (when I am trying to cram everything else in.) No constant listening for crying. No leaving strips of leg hair when shaving. No greasy hair because I left the conditioner in.
Ahhh..they would be just the basic items on my 'perfect day' list. But I am at the point where basic is fantastic.
But, come to think of it, my perfect day wouldn't be complete without Little Miss and her too-cute self hanging around. So I guess I will just have to keep up the timing, try and appreciate the sweet sound of birds in the morning (yeah right), and get used to smelling like puke for most of the day.